No one can ignore the importance of vocabulary in language learning!
Learning vocabulary can open the gates of the new worlds, make the learning of any language more interesting, and help learners improve their language comprehension!
Moreover, learning the vocabulary can be considered one of the big challenges of the language first levels. But, you always may need to expand your vocabulary!
Expanding your vocabulary could be somehow a food system, where you have to make an effort, and there is no magical way, not even one, that is appropriate for all learners!
However, there are many ways and tools, learners around the world may follow or use, to study and memorize any new vocabularies they would learn! But, in one way or another, you as a learner are the one who can decide which way or tool could be the best for you. To do so, you really need to be patient as to set realistic goals behind learning the language that you are working to achieve. Do not, also, forget to reward yourself repeatedly!

We, here in Faseeh, had our own method of teaching vocabulary. Our vision of this method has been approached in designing our self-study communicative courses, and through this method, we are trying to facilitate the studying process of the new vocabulary by making the learners familiar with them!
Yes, we are exactly trying to let the learners be familiar with the vocabulary before starting memorizing them.
To achieve this, learners in Faseeh are going through three levels …
Level 1: “Getting to Know the Vocabulary” – The Long Lists!
You can find them at the beginning of the module before the Reading & Listening lessons. We provide the learners with a Quizlet link for the lists of the new verbs and nouns, and then we ask the learners to take a look at the vocabs as for knowing them word by word and listening to them at least three times, without memorizing them or studying them directly!

Level 2: “Distinguishing the Vocabulary” – The Short Lists!
Throughout the lessons and the short lists, you will find the new vocabularies divided into the lessons, as they set out in the Reading or Listening Lessons. They are, also, attached to the text, so learners can take a look at them anytime they need. At this level, learners can recognize the new vocabularies in the written text and the audio one, then they can go back to the short list to memorize their meanings!
Level 3: “Studying the Vocabulary” – Play with the Vocabs!
At the end of each module, the learners will be provided with the Quizlet links of the vocabularies’ lists again, so they can now study them after spending the time with them through the whole module! However, the Quizlet application provides learners with vocabularies’ flashcards and different tools that can help them to study and memorize the vocabularies! After studying the vocabulary, the learners will find a short quiz that can help them to assess their understanding and memorization of the vocab!