Arabic Media

Our Pillars

  1. The Focus on listening, reading, and speaking skills
    In our curriculum, we take a balanced approach to language learning that focuses on training you in the three skills to be able not only to accurately understand the given materials; but also to effectively analyze and discuss them.
  2. Building Strategies
    Our curriculum is aimed to empower you with language learning strategies that help you build a solid foundation to increase your comprehension and enhance your language production to the highest possible level.
  3. Developing Critical Thinking Skills
    In our curriculum, we focus on enhancing your critical thinking, as in these courses we go beyond the linguistic comprehension of the texts, to identify the author’s intention as well as their ideological and political background throughout the discourse analysis.

Arabic for Media 1

News content in text formats and audio. The topics covered may include but are not limited to the following:
Politics / Economics / Rights / Environment /Technology / Health / Women’s Issues
Various exercises including comprehension exercises and discussion questions in addition to various production activities to boost language acquisition.

Arabic for Media 2

News reports in text formats and audio and analytical articles.
Exercises to promote comprehension, in addition to production-based exercises depending on the article or report.

Arabic for Media 3

Talk shows and opinion articles on various topics.
Exercises to promote comprehension, generate discussions, and stimulate critical thinking.

Arabic for Media 4

Talk shows and articles address intellectual topics.
Comprehension, discussion, and opinion presentation exercises.

One-to-One: 25$ per hour
You will receive a discount when you register for the entire semester, with a minimum commitment of 40 hours.

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