
At Faseeh, we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive Arabic immersion experience through two main avenues:

A. Integrated Linguistic and Cultural Activities within Jordan:

Our diverse program encompasses various linguistic and cultural activities within Jordan. This approach involves direct interactions with Jordanians, fostering an immersive environment for students. Through this program, students engage directly with local communities, experiencing firsthand the rich tapestry of Jordanian life.

B. Language Partnerships:

Faseeh emphasizes language partnerships, enabling students to converse with individuals from different age groups and societal backgrounds within the Jordanian community.

These language partners provide a valuable opportunity for students to practice the language and explore the culture beyond the confines of the classroom and formal educational settings.

By incorporating these immersive strategies, Faseeh aims to go beyond traditional language education, offering students an enriching experience that extends into the heart of Jordanian society.